LifestyleProperty Trends

Power to the ladies… Property news from our CEO

25 August 2020 | Marcel du Toit

Women agents at Leadhome are leading the way and outperforming their fellow male agents, selling properties, on average, 13% faster.  Take a look at how women are taking the property market by storm…

With so many negative stories abounding in 2020, positive stories have largely been ignored or minimised by the media and the general public.  This is a real shame, as one of the new stories that should be front and centre is that women agents are proving to be a real force in the real estate market. 

This statement is not based on fanciful sentiment, but is backed by Leadhome’s own data which indicates that our women agents don’t only sell a property on average 13% faster than their male counterparts (68 days versus 78 days), but also achieve a higher selling price (96.7% of listing price vs 96.5%). As such, if someone is looking to sell their property, using a women agent might statistically yield better results than using a male agent! 

It’s highly appropriate that these stats came to the fore during August, which also happened to be Women’s month and at a time in which we championed women in our society and their achievements in the business and social arena.  It’s also clear to see that women aren’t just the future of real estate; they’re also the present. Read more about these stats here.

Buying a home is not just a major financial investment but an emotional one as well. The fact that women thrive so much is unsurprising, as they tend to have high levels of empathy, which is a critical skill in an industry that requires agents to be extremely patient and understanding with clients.  Women agents tend to display a calm head, listen to their clients and forge solutions that work for customers.  

Despite the positive upward trend of women in the real estate industry, more still needs to be done to close the gender gap. Traditionally, women had a tough time breaking into our industry and they are still underrepresented at an executive level, even though roughly half the real estate agents in the industry are women.  Leadhome believes in empowering women agents and women in general, and would like to see their status and participation in the industry go from strength to strength.

As we head towards the end of the year, we have to acknowledge that 2020’s December holidays will look quite different than the end-of-year breaks we are accustomed to. Many people will not have the leave due to go on holiday or may choose to be more financially prudent and stay home to enjoy a “staycation”. This means that home will be more important than ever these December holidays, so you may want to consider channelling your financial resources into gaining more space. 

And that’s where Leadhome is eager to assist you – our Agents of Change and outstanding team are equipped to ensure that you can find a fair price for a home that is perfectly suited to your needs and circumstances. Our aim is to ensure that we get you the best possible deal when it comes to the sale of your property.

I would like to wish everyone a very happy spring – my wish is that it is a time of great things and that you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy. 

Marcél du Toit
Chief Executive Officer
Leadhome Properties

Marcel du Toit

Marcél du Toit is CEO of Leadhome. He is interested in the intersection where technology, customer service, and the real world meet, with a specific focus on proptech. Outside of Leadhome he's passionate about his two rescue dogs, sport, and all things South Africa. Marcél holds a masters degree in Management & Finance from the University of Oxford.

M.Sc. Management & Finance (University of Oxford) B.A. PPE & Accounting (University of Stellenbosch) Paul Roos Gymnasium (Stellenbosch)

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