
Home – a safe mental haven

8 October 2020 | Insights Team

While it may not be immediately apparent, there is a strong correlation between our home and our mental state. On the surface, a home is merely a collection of bricks, cement and mortar. Dig deeper, though, and anyone will tell you that while home is where the heart is, it is also the place we feel the most secure and comfortable to be ourselves. It is our refuge from the weariness and dangers we encounter in the outside world.

A healthy mind

 Mental health influences our emotional, psychological and social well-being, affecting how we think, feel and behave. It also helps determine how we handle stress, make choices and relate to others.

Our brains – or mental hard drive – store our thoughts, memories, experiences and feelings. Much like a real brick-and-mortar home, if we don’t maintain a healthy head-space, we may begin to experience mental health issues, finding it challenging to easily process our thoughts and feelings as we navigate day-to-day “storms”.

Effects of crime

With South Africa’s crime statistics sadly still some of the highest in the world, South Africans experience a great deal more stress, anxiety and mental trauma as a result of crime than many other places on earth. Post-trauma, mental stress, and/or depression, all are symptoms related to the burden of crime in South Africa.

Signs of stress or depression

• Feeling sad or experiencing a feeling of being “low”. 
• Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed.
• Changes in appetite — weight loss or gain, unrelated to dieting.
• Trouble sleeping, or sleeping too much.
• Loss of energy, or increased fatigue.

Read more:
How to help someone you think may be suffering from depression

Risk factors for depression

Identifying signs of anxiety and depression

South African Anxiety & Depression Group (SADAG)

Insights Team

We're the "thinking arm" of Leadhome, combining expertise in data analysis, modelling, sociology, geography, and philosophy to interrogate current trends in the South African residential property market. Proudly contemplative since 2015.

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